Corporate Governance

ams-OSRAM AG, as an Austrian company listed in Switzerland, is subject to the regulations of the SIX Swiss Exchange’s directive concerning information on Corporate Governance (“Swiss Corporate Governance Directive”). The Swiss Corporate Governance Directive in electronic format is available here.

According to the Swiss Corporate Governance Directive, ams OSRAM publishes corporate governance information in its Annual Report in a separate section entitled Corporate Governance. The current annual report of ams OSRAM in electronic format is available here.

The current articles of association of ams-OSRAM AG are available in the document section below.


Management transactions / disclosure of shareholdings

In compliance with the appropriate disclosure provisions, information on management transactions requiring publication and disclosed shareholdings can be accessed on the SIX Swiss Exchange Regulation website for management transactions and disclosed shareholdings. For disclosure of shareholdings please contact

Corporate Governance Dokumente





Charta des ESG-Ausschusses des Aufsichtsrats


Richtlinie zur Zusammensetzung und Diversität des Aufsichtsrats
